I was his first Mistress that he lived with that introduced him to diapers and being an adult little boy. When ever he questioned me or complained about some of my ideas I would say that he was acting like a baby and needed to be treated as one.
The main things I would do is diaper him with several layers of cloth diapers, then a pair of plastic panties and finally a panty girdle with metal stays. The metal stay assured he could be put on a thin chain around his waist with a padlock to make sure he could not take it off.
When being diaper punished I would run all his food through a blender and usually add a dash of Epsom Salt or Castor Oil to the mush food to make sure my bowels remained active. When I had time I would feed him while his hands were bound up.
Diaper changing times was simple I would take him into the bathroom. Unlock his waist chain then have him remove everything and put them into a plastic bag. Then I would watch him as he showered. After the shower I would inspect him for diaper rash very closely. If there was no diaper rash he would get a suppository and get freshly diapered. Usually he would get three diaper changes per day bed time, after breakfast, and when I returned home in the evening. The diaper rash would usually be ripe enough for me to allow him out of the diapers in 4 days but I remember one occasion he was in them for 8 days.
Since adult phone sex babies can not talk mommy had a special cuke for him to wear when ever he was not sleeping or eating. It was made out of a piece of rubber padding about 1/4″ thick and glued to double it up with a tongue that was a few inches long and had cord running through it for tieng behind his head. I had experimented with the length of the tongue started with a long one and trying it on him and if he gagged I would pull it out and remove 1/4″ and retry it. As a result mommy had to watch his tongue or he would start getting a gagging reflex. Keeping his mouth open helped a lot but he was constantly drooling that way.
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#ABDLPunishment #DiaperDominationFantasy #DommeMommy