age play, milf sex, milf kink

Greg slowly woke up in his crib, no matter how he tried to fight it, he just couldn’t relax enough to get back to sleep. He had been having the most wonderful dream! He laid still, his eyes shut as he tried to remember the best details before they all slipped away… it started with him being in a baby stroller, his body tiny and small and his head tilted up at his Auntie Brenda as she leaned over him to adjust his blanket. She grabbed the handle and started walking with it, and he looked around at everything around him. It was all huge, and she especially was a giantess compared to him. She must have put him through some kind of age regression! He felt safe, though, safe and comfy since he knew that Aunt Brenda wouldn’t let anything happen to him. People walked past them, with a few ladies stopping to take a better look at him, cooing over how cute and adorable he was, reaching out to lightly squeeze his chubby arms.

He started to feel a little peckish, and he couldn’t even think about what to do about that, he just started fussing and whining until Aunt Brenda noticed and stopped to pull him out of the stroller. She patted his diaper, talking to herself about his diaper wasn’t wet, so she must have a hungry baby on her hands. He looked around, seeing enough around them to realize that they were at a park as she cradled him in her arms while she sat down on a bench, but all that disappeared when she draped a croqueted blanket over top of him, little shafts of light shining through the weave. Most of her chest was covered as well, and he realized why when she unbuttoned her blouse and pulled the front flap down on her nursing bra!  His little hands were reaching out for her without him thinking about it, his mouth already opening wide to suck her nipple into his mouth. He latched on quick, and with just a few tugs he had warm milk flooding into his eager mouth!

Everything felt so good! Her skin was warm and smelled so good while he was pressed so close against her, and his tiny hands kept kneading into her breasts. He could vaguely here people walking past, and it gave him a little thrill knowing that they knew what was going on, that he was being breastfed and getting a warm tummy full of yummy milk. But that was on the edge of his mind, not really important even with knowing how it made him tingle. What was important was his Auntie Brenda! She kept humming under her breath and his eyes got heavier, his eyelids starting to close from being warm and full and content… and that was how he started to wake up! Waking up while he was going to sleep in his dreams made him confused and fuzzy for a few seconds and all he wanted to do was start that dream over again! Wouldn’t you? Call me for some abdl roleplay phone sex to let me know.

Aunt Brenda


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#abdl #ageregression #adultbaby #breastfeeding #lactationkink

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