April 12, 2016

Adult Baby Phone Sex

What’s cute, adorable, diapered AND loves abdl phone sex? Why you of course silly! You look so cranky waking up in your crib it’s so cute! Mommy starts to pick you up and hold you to her chest. Uh oh, what’s that smell? Did my adult baby make a mess in his diaper! Is that why you’re so cranky? Aww well let me get you out of that stinky pamper and put a fresh new one on your bottom then when you’re all nice and diapered mommy will feed you your bottle. A hungry adult […]
March 7, 2016

A bad girl

One of a mommy’s favorite things about having adult bABies to take care of is they are so much fun and you never know what to expect. Especially at the nursery. This week, for instance, brought in a sweet little female adult bABie or so we all thought. But she was a naughty ABy and started causing all sorts of trouble for us all. She was so sweet the first few days but when she got it in her head to be bad she was really bad. She was taking all the other bABies toys […]
February 29, 2016

Naughty Sissy

I come over to your house. You told me that you had some very important news to tell me. You naughty abdl-sissy…what could it be? I can tell you’re a little nervous to tell me the news but I tease you until you tell me. You say that you have a date tonight. “Oh that’s great!” I reply “but I don’t see why that was so important.” You tell me that you want me to help you get ready for you’re date. I tell you that I would be glad to help. You hand me […]
October 3, 2015

Counting with Mommy

Today I played a new game with my favorite sissy! We learned how to count. First, I took off her diapey and laid her on her back. I made sure her pretty ass-pussy was all lubed up and ready to go. Then, I had gently pushed a pretty, ribbed dildo into her hole. I made her count while I forced more into her, until her hole was all sloppy with lube. She learned to count all the way to five! Then we learned how to count backwards. I slid every wet, hot dildo out one […]
August 2, 2015

Why Mommy Must Spank The Babies

I know it is hard to understand, but it is totally necessary for Mommy to spank the babies from time to time.  Babies are bad more than good.  Babies cry when they shouldn’t, they scream to get attention, the babies are bad.  Mommy’s mad feelings build up and up until she looses control and a spanking is the only way to take back her control.  Baby is BAD, BAD, BAD. Mommy must SPANK, SPANK, SPANK.  Sometimes baby is sooooo bad, nothing will do but for Mommy to give the baby a BARE BUTT SPANKING.  Pull […]