August 9, 2021

Mommy Rosa Tells An ABDL Giantess Story

I am Mommy Rosa and I am going to tell you a story that I know you are going to like to here. I enjoy telling my babies all of the naughtiest  abdl stories  that I can. The stories are usually so good that sometimes I think that it should be on an abdl blog for others to read. There once was a pretty blonde goddess who wore a  giantess diaper because she was the size of a tall multi story building.  She was a pretty giantess who roamed the city and used people as […]
February 23, 2020

Tiny Things Belong In Abdl Diapers!

I know this doesn’t apply to all adult babies, not by any means, but I know that some feel like they really need to tuck themselves into that diaper because of how similar in size they are to little babies! Not their height or weight, no, but that little itty bitty peepee between their legs. It’s just too small to be called an actual cock or to even come close to satisfying a woman, so what on earth are they supposed to do with it? Put it in a diaper! That way, even if they […]
January 19, 2020

Good Abdl’s Are Rewarded

I’m sure you wouldn’t mind if I cuddled you in my lap, right? If I laid you across my lap, and let you lift your head to suck on my breasts just like any good baby should be able to do, I don’t imagine you would fuss too much about that. I could slide my fingers through your hair, run my fingertips along the curve of your ear, whisper what a good baby you are for me. And good adult babies get rewarded, don’t they? My hand may slide down your chest, your tummy, till […]
September 16, 2017

Cuddling with Mommy’s Breasts!

You love Mommy’s breasts, don’t you? What’s better than resting your head on my chest, especially if I don’t have my shirt or my bra on! You could rest your little head directly on my warm, soft skin while I hold you tight against me. I bet that if you were quiet enough you could hear my heart beating just underneath you.  I would absolutely love to have you resting against my bare skin, to feel your breath rushing across my breast, raising goosebumps that you could brush your fingers against. You would be my […]
September 15, 2017

Lonely Adult Baby Phone Sex Part 2

As you’re laying up on your brand new changing table I gently start to take your shorts and slide them down your legs and pull down your plastic pants and undo the tapes of your adult diapers and fold it down and wipe your peepee and clean your balls really good and then lift your legs up nice and high so i can wipe your bottom. After i am done I am going to take that diaper and throw it into a diaper pail and slide and nice and fresh diaper right underneath  and put […]
July 23, 2016

Phone Sex Time With Mommy Candy

I love spending phone sex time with my ABDLs, and teaching them new things, like potty training. This phone sex Mommy loves training her ABDL babies to go to the toilet in their cute patterned disposable diapers. And then I can take them over to the changing table and lay them down, and prepare to make them all clean again. I have my ABDL lift up their legs so Mommy Candy can take off the messy diaper and toss it in the bin. I then take my baby wipes, with their unmistakable scent, and wipe […]
May 15, 2016

Office Punishment

Your secretary already knows who I am so its gotten easy to slip into your office. I wait for you to get out of your meeting and I can’t wait to surprise you. Your secretary tells you that your one o’clock appointment is here and I hear you tell her to show me in. Your face lights up when you see me and you immediately close the door and lock it. “Have you been a naughty boy?”, I ask. You reply, “Yes mommy. I’ve been a naughty sissy baby.” I smile mischievously as I unbuckle […]
March 7, 2016

A bad girl

One of a mommy’s favorite things about having adult bABies to take care of is they are so much fun and you never know what to expect. Especially at the nursery. This week, for instance, brought in a sweet little female adult bABie or so we all thought. But she was a naughty ABy and started causing all sorts of trouble for us all. She was so sweet the first few days but when she got it in her head to be bad she was really bad. She was taking all the other bABies toys […]
October 3, 2015

Counting with Mommy

Today I played a new game with my favorite sissy! We learned how to count. First, I took off her diapey and laid her on her back. I made sure her pretty ass-pussy was all lubed up and ready to go. Then, I had gently pushed a pretty, ribbed dildo into her hole. I made her count while I forced more into her, until her hole was all sloppy with lube. She learned to count all the way to five! Then we learned how to count backwards. I slid every wet, hot dildo out one […]