July 3, 2023

Mommy’s Little Diaper Girl

    Mommy just loves spending time with her little diaper girl.  There’s nothing better than a fun day of just mommy and baby.  Mommy will make sure her adult baby has a fresh diaper on and then we will have an exciting day ahead of us.  And sInce you have been such a good girl lately, mommy will let you choose out first activity. What would you like to do?  Do you want to watch a movie?  Play with your new toys?  Or something else?  Perhaps an outing, like going to the park, or […]
May 12, 2023

Mommy’s Little Diaper Boy

    Come to mommy… come crawl up into Mommy Candy’s lap and let mommy give you cuddles.  Mommy wraps her arms around you and gives you a big hug and kiss.  Then mommy squeezes your diaper, checking to see how squishy you are.  Mommy giggles when she hears your little sigh. It feels good when mommy squeezes your diaper, doesn’t it?  Mommy can tell by the way your eyes lose focus and you start squirming that you enjoy mommy’s squeezes.  Mommy’s little diaper boy just loves climbing into mommy’s lap.  Being in mommy’s arms […]
August 9, 2021

Mommy Rosa Tells An ABDL Giantess Story

I am Mommy Rosa and I am going to tell you a story that I know you are going to like to here. I enjoy telling my babies all of the naughtiest  abdl stories  that I can. The stories are usually so good that sometimes I think that it should be on an abdl blog for others to read. There once was a pretty blonde goddess who wore a  giantess diaper because she was the size of a tall multi story building.  She was a pretty giantess who roamed the city and used people as […]
February 1, 2021

My Mommy Sex Is What My Age Regressed Abdl Needs

  My Mommy sex is what my age regressed abdl needs When he has to wait for it he gets sad indeed He thinks of it every morning and day As he is obsessed with his mommy in every way Whether my breasts are what are on his mind Or my voluptuous, feminine and round behind My lips are s soft as a feather That can warm him up in cold weather My tongue is able to taste parts of him Like when I hold his cock in my mouth at the rim And slide […]
September 14, 2020

Big Baby Regressed Into Little Baby

Greg slowly woke up in his crib, no matter how he tried to fight it, he just couldn’t relax enough to get back to sleep. He had been having the most wonderful dream! He laid still, his eyes shut as he tried to remember the best details before they all slipped away… it started with him being in a baby stroller, his body tiny and small and his head tilted up at his Auntie Brenda as she leaned over him to adjust his blanket. She grabbed the handle and started walking with it, and he […]
July 5, 2020

Best Abdl Wake Up

If a sweet, little abdl boy has been a very good baby lately, one of the rewards they might receive is a wonderful wake-up from their Mommy. Imagine sleeping peacefully, and slowly being nudged awake by some soft rocking against your diaper and open your eyes to see Mommy with a hand pressed against it. She teases you about how soaked and swollen your pee filled diaper and about the little boner she felt through it! You blush from embarrassment, and then excitement as she keeps squeezing, pressing the warm and wet diaper against your […]
May 17, 2020

Adult Baby Shower Time! (part 1)

Michael sat in his highchair where Aunt Brenda had moved it into the living room, his legs kicking back and forth while he watched her bustle around, getting everything ready for his adult baby shower.  Everything was almost done, there were streamer going from wall to wall, the little gift bags for everyone were already by the door, there were games to play with prizes to win, and there was a table all set up for everyone to put their gifts. He was all dressed and ready to go in his blue-striped Cookie Monster shirt […]
April 12, 2020

Caught In Diapers And Blackmailed! (part 2)

(first part) Now, don’t get any silly ideas about not doing whatever I want you to, I took a few pics of you before you saw me. You were patting that diaper so loudly that you didn’t hear the door crack open, so I was able to get some really good ones, that show just how swollen your diaper is and how not white it is! Looks like that is an awfully wet and messy abdl diaper you’ve got on there. And look at how red you are, blushing red as a cherry. I would […]
April 7, 2019

Mommy’s Milk for Abdl!

 Why don’t you rest in Mommy’s lap and suckle like a good adult baby? I want you to wrap your lips around my nipple and get mouthful after mouthful of my warm milk to fill up your belly.  I’ll even let you play a little bit, pressing your fingers against my nipple so that you can watch my milk leak out, streaming down your fingers and across my skin.  Press just a little bit harder, not too much, and my milk will nearly spurt out into your open mouth! There’s nothing quite like an abdl […]