September 14, 2020

Big Baby Regressed Into Little Baby

Greg slowly woke up in his crib, no matter how he tried to fight it, he just couldn’t relax enough to get back to sleep. He had been having the most wonderful dream! He laid still, his eyes shut as he tried to remember the best details before they all slipped away… it started with him being in a baby stroller, his body tiny and small and his head tilted up at his Auntie Brenda as she leaned over him to adjust his blanket. She grabbed the handle and started walking with it, and he […]
August 7, 2019

Bi-Curios Little Abdl

Are you a bi-curious little adult baby? Would you like to get down on your knees and please a trans Mommy? I would lift up my pretty skirt to show you my thick cock, barely covered up by my silky panties, the tip pushing out as I get excited looking at you down on your knees in front of me.  You will follow my instructions to lean forward and press kisses to the tip, dragging your tongue along all the way to the base, pressing your mouth up and down to suck along until my […]
April 7, 2019

Mommy’s Milk for Abdl!

 Why don’t you rest in Mommy’s lap and suckle like a good adult baby? I want you to wrap your lips around my nipple and get mouthful after mouthful of my warm milk to fill up your belly.  I’ll even let you play a little bit, pressing your fingers against my nipple so that you can watch my milk leak out, streaming down your fingers and across my skin.  Press just a little bit harder, not too much, and my milk will nearly spurt out into your open mouth! There’s nothing quite like an abdl […]
December 2, 2018

Diaper Discipline for Naughty Boy!!

I had to give some advice to a friend of mine that been having some problems with her son for quite some time now. He’s been out of diapers for well over a decade, but he started wetting his bed at night again and it happens several times a week now. You would think that would embarrass him so badly that he’d be to shamed to misbehave, but his little balls must have dropped because he’s started acting like he’s the man of the house! I’ve told her that she really needs to put him […]
July 25, 2016

Mommy Phone Sex With Crissy

Are you perhaps a little more on the wild side when it comes to fetish phone sex? Like maybe even going as far as saying you might be obsessed with incest phone sex? Good! You’ve come to the right place then! Why should you bother getting involved with anyone else when you have everything you need at home with your Mommy? Mommy wants to please you in any way shape or form that she possibly can! Why keep the limit stuck on homework help and making you lunches? Why not take it a bit farther […]
August 2, 2015

Why Mommy Must Spank The Babies

I know it is hard to understand, but it is totally necessary for Mommy to spank the babies from time to time.  Babies are bad more than good.  Babies cry when they shouldn’t, they scream to get attention, the babies are bad.  Mommy’s mad feelings build up and up until she looses control and a spanking is the only way to take back her control.  Baby is BAD, BAD, BAD. Mommy must SPANK, SPANK, SPANK.  Sometimes baby is sooooo bad, nothing will do but for Mommy to give the baby a BARE BUTT SPANKING.  Pull […]
July 23, 2015

ABDL Potty Training With Mommy Candy

Today is a very special day for my adult baby diaper slave. After months of potty training, my aby is still not able to use the big boy potty. Even after Mommy Candy purchased a cute little potty chair for aby, and put him in pull ups and goodnights, aby kept having accidents. What’s a Mommy to do? I think its time for mommy to take drastic measures. Mommy Candy will have to start spanking aby. You will have to be striped naked and made to lay across mommy’s bare lap. Mommy is going to […]
March 29, 2015

Mommy Wants to FEED HER BABIES!!

HI BABIES!!! It’s getting chilly here!! You know what that means don’t you? My nipples are hard and my breasts are so full of milk ready to feed you! I just love cuddling up on the couch and putting you across my lap so I can feed you with my warm, sweet mothers’ milk. Mmmm, doesn’t that taste good. Suck in all down into your tummy so you can fall asleep in my arms. Then I will rub you and rockl you gently and you can cuddle with Mommy ALL NIGHT LONG….
March 29, 2015

I love to play with Sissies

I am a sweet southern mommy, and I have to say, I have the