February 6, 2019

Step-Mom Seduction

When I married your no Taboo  father, he never told me he had such an … inexperienced son. I could tell he was worried about you for some reason, but … I had no idea. As you know, he is getting older, and I am just coming into my prime, and he … well, he just can’t keep up all the time.  SO … since I am frustrated and you need to learn some things, why don’t you just come over here to your Naughty Step-Mom‘s bed. That’s right, I’m wearing just a bra and panties, […]
July 22, 2016

Freaky Fun With Mommy

Now I have seen you playing with mommy dirty panties. You like the way they smell after mommy has take a nice shit in them don’t you dirty boy! Oh I know you do! Mommy is feeling rather… Gassy tonight why don’t you come take your sweet face and come stick it right up against mommy’s sweet tight ass? Yes just like that good boy! Now I am going to push this nice gas right out breath it all in !! It smells nice doesn’t it I know it does my  sweet boy. Uh here […]