March 29, 2015

Mommy Wants to FEED HER BABIES!!

HI BABIES!!! It’s getting chilly here!! You know what that means don’t you? My nipples are hard and my breasts are so full of milk ready to feed you! I just love cuddling up on the couch and putting you across my lap so I can feed you with my warm, sweet mothers’ milk. Mmmm, doesn’t that taste good. Suck in all down into your tummy so you can fall asleep in my arms. Then I will rub you and rockl you gently and you can cuddle with Mommy ALL NIGHT LONG….
March 29, 2015

Sweet as Sweet Can B

March 29, 2015

Who Are You?

March 29, 2015


No not the Television Station
March 29, 2015

Are you sad

March 29, 2015

Valentines Day

March 29, 2015

Diaper No No!

In my class playing in your diaper is a Big Fat No No! Playing in your diaper is only allowed when I have set aside time for such. You may not; I repeat May Not play in there without my permission. Now what should I do to teach you a lesson. Hmmmm. Ah, I know. *gets out the icy hot* Come to the front of the class Little Boy Larry, come on, do as I say! Right here in front of all your classmates. That’s it now take a seat here on the stool, crawl […]
March 29, 2015


January 28, 2013

Taboo Sibs

  I had so much fun with some hot sibling incest roleplay with one of my callers the other day! He said he liked being in charge, but not as daddy, as my big brother! He decided that he was gonna babysit my while mommy and daddy were away – and he was gonna use the opportunity to show me what good girls do when they play with big boys! He told since he was in charge, I had to do whatever he said, just like when Daddy’s home and he’s in charge. I found […]