November 9, 2009

Thanksgiving Feasting

When the Halloween pumpkins are gone, And the leaves have all fallen to ground, When the air has turned windy and cold, Then Thanksgiving will soon be around. Thoughts of loved ones all feasting together, Pleasant pictures from past times appear To dwell in each heart and each mind– Then Thanksgiving is finally here! The kitchen has scrumptious aromas, The dining room looks oh, so fine, Decorations with pilgrims and turkeys, And now we are ready to dine! First the napkins are placed on our laps; Now the prayer for the meal to be blessed, […]
March 25, 2009

Band Aids

One of my friends got a small cut on her finger when we were out the other day. I offered her a band-aid and all I had was Hello Kitty. She kind of laughed and said something about kid band-aids. I made an excuse about it being for kids, but I ran out of big girl band-aids. She shocked me when she said, “You know why should it matter. Sometimes we take ourselves too seriously” She started talking about how she wanted to do some of the things she loved as a kid. I know […]
February 18, 2009

Why do I love diapers?

A girlfriend of mine asked me this, and I tried to explain to her. I don’t think she understood. She likes other kinky things, but doesn’t understand why I like to wear diapers. I told her she should wear with me one night and see what she thought. I doubt that she will, but it would be fun if she tried it. Ab Baby Katie
February 11, 2009

No daddy

My daddy friend isn’t going to be home this weekend, so no daddy for me on Valentine’s Day. I think I will stay home, and take calls from phone daddies and other babies to play. If you’re home on Valentine’s Day and need a diaper change, or want to change me I will be here. We can have fun anyway, making a big mess togethers. I wonder how many Valentine’s stickers I can stick on my diapy. Toodles, Katie
February 4, 2009

ab slumber party

I am all excited to haves a new baby sissy to play with. The mommies love sissies and I do too. I will share all my dwesses and hair clips, and make you very pretty. We could even have a baby girl slumber party and make you over. All you have to do is call for me and one of the other ab girls and we will party down. Don’t keep your sister waiting too long. Katie
January 28, 2009

Adult diapers for big girls

You don’t have to be a baby to enjoy diapers. You don’t even have to be an adult baby. I would never give up my baby time permanently. I like being a big girl in adult diapers too though. Sometimes daddy and I play in diapers together. He doesn’t get a lot of time to visit, so we try to play hard when he is here hehe. Katie
January 21, 2009

drinking baby

My naughty brother got all drunk the other night. Of course babies aren’t supposed to drink, but he was silly drunk. So what happens after a night of drinking? Wet wet soaky diapers. I spent most of the call cleaning him up, and hearing him beg me not to tell Mommy he had gotten into her liquor cabinet. What a silly baby boy he was. Katie
January 14, 2009

If I could be anywhere right now?

If I could pick one place to be right now, I would want to be in a playpen with a baby brother or sister to play with. I love daddy and mommy, but Katie needs a playmate. Would you join baby girl in hers playpen? Cuddle up for naptime, and then wake up to play some more? I would want a big playpen with a good playmate, and plenty of toys around too. Baby Katie
January 7, 2009

cartoon time

I had forgotten about one of my favoriteist cartoons and now I don’t think it comes on anymore. I used to love watching CatDog. I did find a place to sees it online though. I love my cartoon time. I get in my diapers, and bring my blankie and lion in the living room and have cartoon time. It doesn’t really matter what we watch as long as it is silly, and ok for baby Katie to see. Baby Girl Katie