As you’re laying up on your brand new changing table I gently start to take your shorts and slide them down your legs and pull down your plastic pants and undo the tapes of your adult diapers and fold it down and wipe your peepee and clean your balls really good and then lift your legs up nice and high so i can wipe your bottom. After i am done I am going to take that diaper and throw it into a diaper pail and slide and nice and fresh diaper right underneath and put some diaper cream on my fingers and put it on you just like that. And oh my you pee pee is getting so hard as i am getting ready to add some baby powder onto your bottom. And I point your peepee downward and fold up your diaper and tape it nice and tight Call me for some Abdl Phone Sex!
Chat with a phone sex mommy!
#abdl #abdlmommy #adultbaby