A Tempting Deep Sex Couple was naked on the bed, she showing her pussy and he showing his porn.
Step-Mom Seduction
February 6, 2019
a humiliating experience The girl was standing on the floor, dressed in black.
Sissified and Humiliated!
February 21, 2019
A Tempting Deep Sex Couple was naked on the bed, she showing her pussy and he showing his porn.
Step-Mom Seduction
February 6, 2019
a humiliating experience The girl was standing on the floor, dressed in black.
Sissified and Humiliated!
February 21, 2019

(first part) You go ahead and make sure the pillow is in reach so you can grab it to bite down on while I fuck you bareback wide open, okay?  Go ahead and tell me the truth, you really want this, don’t you? It will hurt and you will be sore later on, but you still want it so badly that your cock is leaking precum. Your greedy ass is clenching down on air while I watch! I’ve already opened you up, coated your tight hole with lube and stretched you out with my fingers.  I put one hand on your lower back, pushing you down while I press the thick hard dildo against your asshole with the other.  You feel that light pressure building for a second… then I snap my hips forwards, pushing inside you with one burning thrust that shoves a scream out of you.  I press my weight down on you and proceed to fuck you like I want to ruin you! You will be sore at dinner tonight, you will be sore for days after, and I will enjoy every twitch on your face while you heal. Is this what you need? Call me for your strapon play phonesex



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