September 22, 2010

Kidnapped and Forced into Diapers

It's time for Mommy to look for a new baby. I'm not going about it the normal or acceptable way though. I'm hunting a new baby for myself. My choice has been narrowed down to three. Potential Baby Number One is a student at the local University. He is simply adorable and I bet he could use a Mommy to pamper him and take care of him. Potential Baby Number Two is a single man in his early 30's. I've been watching him for weeks and he leaves for work so early I could nab […]
January 21, 2009

drinking baby

My naughty brother got all drunk the other night. Of course babies aren’t supposed to drink, but he was silly drunk. So what happens after a night of drinking? Wet wet soaky diapers. I spent most of the call cleaning him up, and hearing him beg me not to tell Mommy he had gotten into her liquor cabinet. What a silly baby boy he was. Katie