January 13, 2019

Diaper Baby or Abdl Mommy?

Being a Mommy is wonderful, and I do love taking care of my sweet special abdl, without a doubt. Sometimes though, it can be very nice to switch things up just a little bit.  Instead of changing a diaper I get to have one put on me! Instead of kissing bruised knees, and feeding my sweet baby, and making sure a pacifier is always close by Daddy does all those things for me! He mostly like to the baby, but like I said, it can be a lot of fun to flip things around.  I […]
February 9, 2010

Night Crawlers

My bones rattling My teeth grinding My heart pounding The tree limbs thumping The world spinning Everything is in movement And all u can think about Is what may be in the dark Little creatures so small and dark Big Ole creatures so crazy and strong And the one creature that runs through You like it causes pain throughout your Whole entire body Creepy Crawlers still alive Back to haunt the dead or live And now will get u whether not Your alive… jj Minnie