March 23, 2010


There was this little tiny fellow that loved wearing his big boy underwear so much,because it made him feel so big and important but thing was he just couldn’t make to the big boy potty in time he was always wetting his big boy underwear i kept warning him time and time again but he just didn’t or wouldn’t listen to me.I told him one more time and it was back to diapers for him. So out to play he goes i am watching from my kitchen window as he swings and plays in the […]
October 30, 2009

Night before

Its the night before candy day when all the diapered little ones can’t sleep because they know its so close to Halloween when they can be someone they usually can’t be in the usual day to day life but your all excited because you get to dress up and have fun in those cute costumes and go door to door for that candy everyone enjoys giving out to you but you like saying treat or trick i can just hear you in that sweet voice of yours say please and thank you so have a […]