September 14, 2020

Big Baby Regressed Into Little Baby

Greg slowly woke up in his crib, no matter how he tried to fight it, he just couldn’t relax enough to get back to sleep. He had been having the most wonderful dream! He laid still, his eyes shut as he tried to remember the best details before they all slipped away… it started with him being in a baby stroller, his body tiny and small and his head tilted up at his Auntie Brenda as she leaned over him to adjust his blanket. She grabbed the handle and started walking with it, and he […]
March 23, 2010


There was this little tiny fellow that loved wearing his big boy underwear so much,because it made him feel so big and important but thing was he just couldn’t make to the big boy potty in time he was always wetting his big boy underwear i kept warning him time and time again but he just didn’t or wouldn’t listen to me.I told him one more time and it was back to diapers for him. So out to play he goes i am watching from my kitchen window as he swings and plays in the […]
December 28, 2009

Happy New Year

Just want to say Happy New Year to all you babies and sissies and the ladies here at phoneamommy i work with some awesome ladies.Talk to some of the sweeties babies and sissies. You never know what these babies will come up with next or what kind of mischief they will get into from taking their diapers off and running around nakie to snuggling up nice and close to you have a wonderful New Year no matter where you are when it comes in. Minnie
November 9, 2009

Thanksgiving Feasting

When the Halloween pumpkins are gone, And the leaves have all fallen to ground, When the air has turned windy and cold, Then Thanksgiving will soon be around. Thoughts of loved ones all feasting together, Pleasant pictures from past times appear To dwell in each heart and each mind– Then Thanksgiving is finally here! The kitchen has scrumptious aromas, The dining room looks oh, so fine, Decorations with pilgrims and turkeys, And now we are ready to dine! First the napkins are placed on our laps; Now the prayer for the meal to be blessed, […]
October 30, 2009

Night before

Its the night before candy day when all the diapered little ones can’t sleep because they know its so close to Halloween when they can be someone they usually can’t be in the usual day to day life but your all excited because you get to dress up and have fun in those cute costumes and go door to door for that candy everyone enjoys giving out to you but you like saying treat or trick i can just hear you in that sweet voice of yours say please and thank you so have a […]