September 14, 2020

Big Baby Regressed Into Little Baby

Greg slowly woke up in his crib, no matter how he tried to fight it, he just couldn’t relax enough to get back to sleep. He had been having the most wonderful dream! He laid still, his eyes shut as he tried to remember the best details before they all slipped away… it started with him being in a baby stroller, his body tiny and small and his head tilted up at his Auntie Brenda as she leaned over him to adjust his blanket. She grabbed the handle and started walking with it, and he […]
September 22, 2010

Kidnapped and Forced into Diapers

It's time for Mommy to look for a new baby. I'm not going about it the normal or acceptable way though. I'm hunting a new baby for myself. My choice has been narrowed down to three. Potential Baby Number One is a student at the local University. He is simply adorable and I bet he could use a Mommy to pamper him and take care of him. Potential Baby Number Two is a single man in his early 30's. I've been watching him for weeks and he leaves for work so early I could nab […]