October 17, 2020

Sexy Mom Teases ABDLs

One of my most favorite things to do, especially when I get the change to take care of a brand new abdl who has never gotten to experience life with me before, is to spend my time teasing them to no end! Why? Because it is just so much fun, of course! I honestly think that even despite their groaning and whining, these babies just love getting all of that special attention from mommy, even if they know that they will never even get to touch it on their own terms! Now when a brand […]
March 7, 2016

A bad girl

One of a mommy’s favorite things about having adult bABies to take care of is they are so much fun and you never know what to expect. Especially at the nursery. This week, for instance, brought in a sweet little female adult bABie or so we all thought. But she was a naughty ABy and started causing all sorts of trouble for us all. She was so sweet the first few days but when she got it in her head to be bad she was really bad. She was taking all the other bABies toys […]
January 28, 2013

Taboo Sibs

  I had so much fun with some hot sibling incest roleplay with one of my callers the other day! He said he liked being in charge, but not as daddy, as my big brother! He decided that he was gonna babysit my while mommy and daddy were away – and he was gonna use the opportunity to show me what good girls do when they play with big boys! He told since he was in charge, I had to do whatever he said, just like when Daddy’s home and he’s in charge. I found […]
March 31, 2010

When the sun comes up on Easter Day, Folks dressed in new outfits will be on display. Little Jane’s bright yellow dress has a big white bow, Her new shoes hurt but she won’t let her pain show. Brother Jimmy’s new suit is a young boy’s worst fear, He much rather dress in casual jeans type of gear. Mom bought a new outfit its two shades of pink, Dad saw how she looked and gave her a wink. The hand colored eggs have been hidden from view, The children will find them in the grass […]
March 2, 2010

Naughty Fairy

My little fairy came to see me the other day she said she had been very naughty and bad.So i told her to come in and lets talk and see just what she thought she had done was so bad. As we made our way into the dining area she started telling me all the naughty thoughts she had been having as i listened she just kept talking which was unusual for her because she is normally a very quiet and private person.She told that she had been having thoughts of not being a fairy […]
November 18, 2009

So Sad

Its a good thing i don’t like turkey because with a turkey looking back at me with this type of look there is no way i could eat the thing and it looking so sad i mean seriously now can you eat this poor little fellow and it looking back at you with those sad eyes maybe he just needs a good diapering is all. Hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving just hope these sad little eyes doesn’t spoil it for you. He must have been having a terrible day for sure just hope it […]
October 9, 2009

Just for you

That’s right this cute little pink diaper is just for this cute little sissy baby Minnie wanted to make sure she got the color that you love the best i and i knew it was Pink because thats your favorite color now is it not my diapered little sissy girl. Because you love it when i diaper you up no matter what and put those sweet smelling powders on that cute little bottom your going to especially love it when bathe and diaper you up in this cute little Pink diaper will you not. Minnie