March 28, 2018

The Accident

 Mommy should have known better than to allow you to go to Tommy’s house after your last stunt. But because you were being such a good abdl baby I thought it would be a fun reward for you. You had been going potty like a big boy for almost an entire month! Then I got the call, Tommy’s mom calls to say that you wet your pants and then tried to hide it so she wouldn’t tell mommy. That is why from this point forward, you are going to stay diapered no matter what. […]
February 20, 2017

Adult Baby Phone Sex

Well will you look at my adorable adult baby And his very hard little cock. He wants to have some naughty time with mommy I know I am excited and super wet too have some naughty time with him in his adult diapers. I will just gently stick my hand inside the diaper and rub on his balls and stick my pinky in his tight bottom and just move my finger around in there as I am stroking his hard cock. I can feel him start wiggling around I fold down his adult diaper and […]
December 12, 2016

Fun Day With Mommy Part 2

So she said well it looks as if someone needs a change so she laid me down on the picnic blanket and slide down my pantie hose and pink plastic panties and lifted my petticoat up and my skirt! She then very softly untaped both tapes of my diaper on each side and and folded it down and lifted my legs way up high and gave me a slight tickle on my feet! She always know show ticklish they’re! She grabbed the wipes and gently wiped along my clitty and my bottom and then removed […]
April 15, 2009

Making baby so wet

As an AB I really like sitting in my wet diapers. Daddies like me really wet though. Sometimes I can’t keep up with the demand. One daddy made me pull my diaper down so he could help me fill it up. Daddy just peed right in his little girl’s diaper and laughed when I looked at him all sad. Every time he had to go he said “Oh Katie baby” and made me crawl over to him. Before long my diaper was heavy, and soaked, nearly leaking. Baby Katie
February 25, 2009

need to pee

Lots of daddies want to play desperation games wif me. I think it was Baby Betsy that said she had been getting a lot of them too. I don’t mind them; the truth is I love them. I drink a lot of juice and water and hold it for daddy. Daddy, your little girl will hold it so you can hear how bad I haves to go if you like that. Katie Baby
February 18, 2009

Why do I love diapers?

A girlfriend of mine asked me this, and I tried to explain to her. I don’t think she understood. She likes other kinky things, but doesn’t understand why I like to wear diapers. I told her she should wear with me one night and see what she thought. I doubt that she will, but it would be fun if she tried it. Ab Baby Katie
January 14, 2009

If I could be anywhere right now?

If I could pick one place to be right now, I would want to be in a playpen with a baby brother or sister to play with. I love daddy and mommy, but Katie needs a playmate. Would you join baby girl in hers playpen? Cuddle up for naptime, and then wake up to play some more? I would want a big playpen with a good playmate, and plenty of toys around too. Baby Katie
January 7, 2009

cartoon time

I had forgotten about one of my favoriteist cartoons and now I don’t think it comes on anymore. I used to love watching CatDog. I did find a place to sees it online though. I love my cartoon time. I get in my diapers, and bring my blankie and lion in the living room and have cartoon time. It doesn’t really matter what we watch as long as it is silly, and ok for baby Katie to see. Baby Girl Katie