April 16, 2010

Empty Carriage

They walk down the street- faces reflecting a calmness so unfamiliar to me. Little eyes looking up at them; unknowingly relying upon their presence. We share the same planet, yet I feel upon another. To know the warmth of a soft breath upon my neck and the soundness of sleep upon my breast is no more than a mystery. Time does not cure all wounds of the heart when the soul remains unfulfilled. My eyes turn to the sky and I wonder why I am on a path that no longer fits my feet? Like […]
March 31, 2010

When the sun comes up on Easter Day, Folks dressed in new outfits will be on display. Little Jane’s bright yellow dress has a big white bow, Her new shoes hurt but she won’t let her pain show. Brother Jimmy’s new suit is a young boy’s worst fear, He much rather dress in casual jeans type of gear. Mom bought a new outfit its two shades of pink, Dad saw how she looked and gave her a wink. The hand colored eggs have been hidden from view, The children will find them in the grass […]
February 9, 2010

Night Crawlers

My bones rattling My teeth grinding My heart pounding The tree limbs thumping The world spinning Everything is in movement And all u can think about Is what may be in the dark Little creatures so small and dark Big Ole creatures so crazy and strong And the one creature that runs through You like it causes pain throughout your Whole entire body Creepy Crawlers still alive Back to haunt the dead or live And now will get u whether not Your alive… jj Minnie
November 9, 2009

Thanksgiving Feasting

When the Halloween pumpkins are gone, And the leaves have all fallen to ground, When the air has turned windy and cold, Then Thanksgiving will soon be around. Thoughts of loved ones all feasting together, Pleasant pictures from past times appear To dwell in each heart and each mind– Then Thanksgiving is finally here! The kitchen has scrumptious aromas, The dining room looks oh, so fine, Decorations with pilgrims and turkeys, And now we are ready to dine! First the napkins are placed on our laps; Now the prayer for the meal to be blessed, […]