May 15, 2016

The Border Gets Caught Part 2

  So I had this man over my knees while sitting on the bed as I was just staring at his little white bottom with my pink panties covering his cheeks. It was time to get to the task at hand as I had everything I needed within reach. I inventoried it all in my head while holding him firm. Hairbrush, paddle, gag with penis end, wooden spoon, his belt, and oh yes my lovely strap-on. I picked up the penis shaped gag and grabbed the back of his hair causing him to scream. Once […]
March 7, 2016

A bad girl

One of a mommy’s favorite things about having adult bABies to take care of is they are so much fun and you never know what to expect. Especially at the nursery. This week, for instance, brought in a sweet little female adult bABie or so we all thought. But she was a naughty ABy and started causing all sorts of trouble for us all. She was so sweet the first few days but when she got it in her head to be bad she was really bad. She was taking all the other bABies toys […]
April 1, 2009

needing Daddy

My daddy friend was not in a very playful mood the last time he came over. He brought this book he was reading on Chakras. I think it is good for Daddy to learn new things, but I was hoping we could have some time. Most of the night he was reading. He did stop to check my diaper, when it was wet I ran off so he couldn’t change it. He was good to me the next morning when he woke up though, daddy fixed us breakfast and fed me. Katie
March 18, 2009

unfairly pinched

I gots pinched yesterday. Yep, my friends and I met up for lunch, and they didn’t see my green. They didn’t give me a chance to show them my green socks, they just pinched me. I pinched back too, so I guess it’s all fine. Did you all haves a good St.Patrick’s Day? Drink lots of green beer and then tinkles in the diaper? Hehe I hope so. Katie
February 25, 2009

need to pee

Lots of daddies want to play desperation games wif me. I think it was Baby Betsy that said she had been getting a lot of them too. I don’t mind them; the truth is I love them. I drink a lot of juice and water and hold it for daddy. Daddy, your little girl will hold it so you can hear how bad I haves to go if you like that. Katie Baby
February 18, 2009

Why do I love diapers?

A girlfriend of mine asked me this, and I tried to explain to her. I don’t think she understood. She likes other kinky things, but doesn’t understand why I like to wear diapers. I told her she should wear with me one night and see what she thought. I doubt that she will, but it would be fun if she tried it. Ab Baby Katie
February 11, 2009

No daddy

My daddy friend isn’t going to be home this weekend, so no daddy for me on Valentine’s Day. I think I will stay home, and take calls from phone daddies and other babies to play. If you’re home on Valentine’s Day and need a diaper change, or want to change me I will be here. We can have fun anyway, making a big mess togethers. I wonder how many Valentine’s stickers I can stick on my diapy. Toodles, Katie
January 14, 2009

If I could be anywhere right now?

If I could pick one place to be right now, I would want to be in a playpen with a baby brother or sister to play with. I love daddy and mommy, but Katie needs a playmate. Would you join baby girl in hers playpen? Cuddle up for naptime, and then wake up to play some more? I would want a big playpen with a good playmate, and plenty of toys around too. Baby Katie
December 24, 2008

thank you and Merry Christmas

I love my brothers and phone daddies to play with. They make me happy, and let me be me. I feel so lucky that after a long day of boring office junk, I can put on a diaper and be a baby. I hope this Christmas is perfect as can be for all of you, and that you get all your heart desires. Thank you for making this baby feel safe, and loved. Katiebug