December 10, 2008

My Christmas Twee

I wanted to have a twee this year, but not a big one, because of kitty trying to climb it. So Daddy found me a small little kind of half twee to have. Then I can have the big twee at his place he said. I had to slim down all of my decorations for it though, but daddy said my other ones can either go on his tree, or maybe I can saves them for when I want a bigger one again. I had so much fun putting up the twee with daddy, and […]
November 19, 2008

How ABDL makes me feel

In my diapers I feel: safe, secure, at peace, relaxed, comforted, and free With Daddy I feel: loved, free, playful, special, safe, pretty, and warm With other AB’s and DL’s I feel: accepted, belonging, safe, silly and playful, carefree, loved and loving I feel many things when I wear my diapers and get to be Baby Katie. Some of them I never really thought about until now. When I am in diapees and talking to others in diapees, I feel like they are my brothers or sisters. Serious post for a wittle baby girl ~giggles~ […]
November 5, 2008

baby Time

I am so glad to be home in my diaper. Today was full of many big girl tasks. It’s not that I hate being a big girl, because I wike both. It’s just that now it is time for baby Katie. So I powdered my skin and slipped into a diaper for the evening. That is a signal of comfort to me that it is going to be less stressful and more fun. So I am thrilled that it is baby time. Baby Katie~*~*~*