March 11, 2018

Mommy’s Tickles

Written By My Sweet Baby Boy How mommy Jackie’s tickles make me feel: they make me feel happy and laugh and safe. Also makes me feel super little and babyish. Love how mommy Jackie does raspberries kisses and those are best. Also when Mommy Tickles me I’m wearing my Diapee and sometimes tickles make me Potty my diaper and mommy loves my wet Diapee especially when she tickles me to potty. I also feel when Mommy Jackie Tickles me she’s only does it to have me have a diapee accident so I feel little and […]
October 15, 2012

Furry Bunny Fun

I got to have some furry fun with a special friend the other day. This was a new friend and he was pretty nervous when I asked him what kind of games he liked to play. I could barely hear him when he said he liked to pretend he was an animal. Oh bunnies are fun! I told him smiling. He was so excited he pulled out his furry bunny suit. I love bunnies too! While he was getting his suit on I showed him my bunny suit before I pulled it stripped down and […]
March 11, 2009

Dancing in my diapers

Sometimes you just have to do dance, and make your own fun. What I do is get diapered, and then turn my radio up and dance in my diapers. It’s fun, and good for you to get silly sometimes. All sorts of music makes me want to dance. I have different ones for different music too. It’s good to let go and be a silly baby girl. Baby Katie