November 17, 2022

Brianna Has Some Incest Diaper Fun!

Brian knocked on the door to his Aunt Brianna’s house, nervous about how the summer might go, but when she opened the front door and smiled while she hugged him, he could feel himself relax. She had always been super nice, a really good aunt, and it didn’t hurt that she wasn’t unattractive at all. She took his luggage into the house and told him to make himself comfortable while she went up to change into her apron and cook him some dinner. She stopped to hide behind the curtain that covered the doorway to […]
July 25, 2020

Shave Mommy’s Wet and Creamy Pussy

  Oh my little adult baby, it is time to shave Mommy’s wet and creamy pussy.  It has been a while and I have been so busy so you must now make Mommy bald, soft and smooth again.  As I lay naked on the couch spreadeagled I want you to take the lather in your hands and rub it all over Mommy Scarlet’s pussy.  Please make sure that you get into all of the crevices.  Now take the razor and very gently swipe back and forth and make sure to open up my pussy lips […]
April 15, 2009

Making baby so wet

As an AB I really like sitting in my wet diapers. Daddies like me really wet though. Sometimes I can’t keep up with the demand. One daddy made me pull my diaper down so he could help me fill it up. Daddy just peed right in his little girl’s diaper and laughed when I looked at him all sad. Every time he had to go he said “Oh Katie baby” and made me crawl over to him. Before long my diaper was heavy, and soaked, nearly leaking. Baby Katie
April 8, 2009

color bunny bun

I am sure you all know how much I wuv to color. Other ab’s like to sit in their diapees and color too right? Good, you can print up this bunny bun and color it. Just click the wittle bunny image to get to the bigger bunny image. I hope you all get lots of yummies and toys this Easter. Happy Easter, Ab Katie
March 25, 2009

Band Aids

One of my friends got a small cut on her finger when we were out the other day. I offered her a band-aid and all I had was Hello Kitty. She kind of laughed and said something about kid band-aids. I made an excuse about it being for kids, but I ran out of big girl band-aids. She shocked me when she said, “You know why should it matter. Sometimes we take ourselves too seriously” She started talking about how she wanted to do some of the things she loved as a kid. I know […]