October 26, 2009


A be”witch”ing poem for the sake of the Halloween spirit. In a city, on the border Of Greenwich Harbor and Bly, Maine Lies a scene, dubbed out of order The people don’t like to explain For when nightfall finds its calling And the ground is damp with dew A strange, mist-like fog starts falling Believed from the witches brew. When the haze drifts on the hillside The scent of sulfur fills the air Streaking ‘cross the ebbing high tide Till the fog is everywhere Then the night becomes quite stoic ‘Neath the bright yellow facade […]
October 16, 2009


Oh thats right its almost here yes Halloween is just a few weeks away then you get dress up in your costume and go trick or treating just make sure you are so very careful because we wouldn’t want you to get hurt out having fun now would we because that wouldn’t be any fun at all huh. Watch out for those ghost and gobblins they can be kind of tricky you know taking all your candy and making you wet your pants no fun is it so you see thats why you have to […]