October 2, 2016

Sissy Girl Panties

You are a grown man. You shouldn’t be looking at girl panties in the store. Those are for ladies and you certainly are not a lady. You have a peepee hanging between your legs. What would all your work friends say if they caught you trying on girl panties? I’m sure they’d never want to be seen with you again. You want to dress like a girl? Get to the car now! It’s a shame I can’t finish my clothes shopping because you want to act so foolish. When we get home I’m going to […]
January 5, 2010

Here are Grandma's Spectacles.

Here are Grandma’s spectacles, And here is Grandma’s hat, And here’s the way she folds her hands, And puts them in her lap. Here are Grandpa’s spectacles, And here is Grandpa’s hat, And here’s the way he folds his arms, And takes a little nap. So let us be very quiet as to not wake Grandpa up because we know how grumpy he is when he doesn’t get his nap out
December 14, 2009

Christmas Morning Memories

Christmas morning memories Filled with wonder and delight As we opened up our presents Santa left us through the night Christmas morning memories Lots of presents were unwrapped Paper strewn around the room Crackers to be snapped Christmas morning memories Shouts of laughter and of glee “Look Mum and dad Look what Santa left for me.” Christmas morning memories To church a frosty walk Then home again for Christmas Dinner Turkey, ham and Pork. ©Marie C 1998 Minnie
February 4, 2009

ab slumber party

I am all excited to haves a new baby sissy to play with. The mommies love sissies and I do too. I will share all my dwesses and hair clips, and make you very pretty. We could even have a baby girl slumber party and make you over. All you have to do is call for me and one of the other ab girls and we will party down. Don’t keep your sister waiting too long. Katie
January 28, 2009

Adult diapers for big girls

You don’t have to be a baby to enjoy diapers. You don’t even have to be an adult baby. I would never give up my baby time permanently. I like being a big girl in adult diapers too though. Sometimes daddy and I play in diapers together. He doesn’t get a lot of time to visit, so we try to play hard when he is here hehe. Katie
December 10, 2008

My Christmas Twee

I wanted to have a twee this year, but not a big one, because of kitty trying to climb it. So Daddy found me a small little kind of half twee to have. Then I can have the big twee at his place he said. I had to slim down all of my decorations for it though, but daddy said my other ones can either go on his tree, or maybe I can saves them for when I want a bigger one again. I had so much fun putting up the twee with daddy, and […]