September 22, 2010

Kidnapped and Forced into Diapers

It's time for Mommy to look for a new baby. I'm not going about it the normal or acceptable way though. I'm hunting a new baby for myself. My choice has been narrowed down to three. Potential Baby Number One is a student at the local University. He is simply adorable and I bet he could use a Mommy to pamper him and take care of him. Potential Baby Number Two is a single man in his early 30's. I've been watching him for weeks and he leaves for work so early I could nab […]
March 4, 2009

Cloth diapered Katie

My daddy friend got me in thick cloth diapers. They were so thick I couldn’ts close my legs all the ways. I love it though. I even got to have a pretty pair of yellow plastic panties on top. Nothing makes me happier than cute diapers, and a loving daddy to change them. What color plastic panties do you like for your baby girls? Baby Girl Katie
December 17, 2008

daddy and katie baby

Daddy got me a new map of the country. Whenever he goes on a trip he sits down with Katie and shows me where he is going, and how he is going to get there. Sometimes he drives, but for long trips daddy flies. I miss him, but know he has to work, just like Katie does. It’s sweet of daddy to take the time to let me know all about his traveling. Thens when he gets home, he hears all about what baby girl did, and the daddies and babies I played with on […]