March 25, 2009

Band Aids

One of my friends got a small cut on her finger when we were out the other day. I offered her a band-aid and all I had was Hello Kitty. She kind of laughed and said something about kid band-aids. I made an excuse about it being for kids, but I ran out of big girl band-aids. She shocked me when she said, “You know why should it matter. Sometimes we take ourselves too seriously” She started talking about how she wanted to do some of the things she loved as a kid. I know […]
November 12, 2008

ready for some football?

This picture is for all of the daddies who love their football. Baby Katie may not know all about it, but I know daddies get very into it. I cans help you celebrate when your team wins, and cheer for them. Then if your team loses Daddy, I know how to make you feel better toos. It is awfully important to some daddies. So just remember baby when you have breaks in your game, and be sure to cuddle and we’ll do just fine. Baby Katie